Example: A “Mystery Word” Guessing Game¶
In this section, we will use the techniques and specific effects discussed in the tutorial so far to implement a larger example, a simple text-based word-guessing game. In the game, the computer chooses a word, which the player must guess letter by letter. After a limited number of wrong guesses, the player loses [1].
We will implement the game by following these steps:
- Define the game state, in enough detail to express the rules
- Define the rules of the game (i.e. what actions the player may take, and how these actions affect the game state)
- Implement the rules of the game (i.e. implement state updates for each action)
- Implement a user interface which allows a player to direct actions
Step 2 may be achieved by defining an effect which depends on the state
defined in step 1. Then step 3 involves implementing a Handler
this effect. Finally, step 4 involves implementing a program in Eff
using the newly defined effect (and any others required to implement the
Step 1: Game State¶
First, we categorise the game states as running games (where there are a number of guesses available, and a number of letters still to guess), or non-running games (i.e. games which have not been started, or games which have been won or lost).
data GState = Running Nat Nat | NotRunning
Notice that at this stage, we say nothing about what it means to make a guess, what the word to be guessed is, how to guess letters, or any other implementation detail. We are only interested in what is necessary to describe the game rules.
We will, however, parameterise a concrete game state Mystery
this data:
data Mystery : GState -> Type
Step 2: Game Rules¶
We describe the game rules as a dependent effect, where each action has a precondition (i.e. what the game state must be before carrying out the action) and a postcondition (i.e. how the action affects the game state). Informally, these actions with the pre- and postconditions are:
- Guess
Guess a letter in the word.
- Precondition: The game must be running, and there must be both guesses still available, and letters still to be guessed.
- Postcondition: If the guessed letter is in the word and not yet guessed, reduce the number of letters, otherwise reduce the number of guesses.
- Won
Declare victory
- Precondition: The game must be running, and there must be no letters still to be guessed.
- Postcondition: The game is no longer running.
- Lost
Accept defeat
- Precondition: The game must be running, and there must be no guesses left.
- Postcondition: The game is no longer running.
- NewWord
Set a new word to be guessed
- Precondition: The game must not be running.
- Postcondition: The game is running, with 6 guesses available (the choice of 6 is somewhat arbitrary here) and the number of unique letters in the word still to be guessed.
- Get
- Get a string representation of the game state. This is for display purposes; there are no pre- or postconditions.
We can make these rules precise by declaring them more formally in an effect signature:
data MysteryRules : Effect where
Guess : (x : Char) ->
sig MysteryRules Bool
(Mystery (Running (S g) (S w)))
(\inword =>
Mystery (case inword of
True => (Running (S g) w)
False => (Running g (S w))))
Won : sig MysteryRules () (Mystery (Running g 0))
(Mystery NotRunning)
Lost : sig MysteryRules () (Mystery (Running 0 g))
(Mystery NotRunning)
NewWord : (w : String) ->
sig MysteryRules () h (Mystery (Running 6 (length (letters w))))
Get : sig MysteryRules String (Mystery h)
This description says nothing about how the rules are implemented. In
particular, it does not specify how to tell whether a guessed letter
was in a word, just that the result of Guess
depends on it.
Nevertheless, we can still create an EFFECT
from this, and use it in
an Eff
program. Implementing a Handler
for MysteryRules
then allow us to play the game.
MYSTERY h = MkEff (Mystery h) MysteryRules
Step 3: Implement Rules¶
To implement the rules, we begin by giving a concrete definition of game state:
data Mystery : GState -> Type where
Init : Mystery NotRunning
GameWon : (word : String) -> Mystery NotRunning
GameLost : (word : String) -> Mystery NotRunning
MkG : (word : String) ->
(guesses : Nat) ->
(got : List Char) ->
(missing : Vect m Char) ->
Mystery (Running guesses m)
If a game is NotRunning
, that is either because it has not yet
started (Init
) or because it is won or lost (GameWon
, each of which carry the word so that showing the game
state will reveal the word to the player). Finally, MkG
captures a
running game’s state, including the target word, the letters
successfully guessed, and the missing letters. Using a Vect
for the
missing letters is convenient since its length is used in the type.
To initialise the state, we implement the following functions:
, which returns a list of unique letters in a String
(ignoring spaces) and initState
which sets up an initial state
considered valid as a postcondition for NewWord
letters : String -> List Char
initState : (x : String) -> Mystery (Running 6 (length (letters x)))
When checking if a guess is in the vector of missing letters, it is
convenient to return a proof that the guess is in the vector, using
below, rather than merely a Bool
data IsElem : a -> Vect n a -> Type where
First : IsElem x (x :: xs)
Later : IsElem x xs -> IsElem x (y :: xs)
isElem : DecEq a => (x : a) -> (xs : Vect n a) -> Maybe (IsElem x xs)
The reason for returning a proof is that we can use it to remove an element from the correct position in a vector:
shrink : (xs : Vect (S n) a) -> IsElem x xs -> Vect n a
We leave the definitions of letters
, init
, isElem
as exercises. Having implemented these, the Handler
implementation for MysteryRules
is surprisingly straightforward:
instance Handler MysteryRules m where
handle (MkG w g got []) Won k = k () (GameWon w)
handle (MkG w Z got m) Lost k = k () (GameLost w)
handle st Get k = k (show st) st
handle st (NewWord w) k = k () (initState w)
handle (MkG w (S g) got m) (Guess x) k =
case isElem x m of
Nothing => k False (MkG w _ got m)
(Just p) => k True (MkG w _ (x :: got) (shrink m p))
Each case simply involves directly updating the game state in a way
which is consistent with the declared rules. In particular, in
, if the handler claims that the guessed letter is in the word
(by passing True
to k
), there is no way to update the state in
such a way that the number of missing letters or number of guesses does
not follow the rules.
Step 4: Implement Interface¶
Having described the rules, and implemented state transitions which
follow those rules as an effect handler, we can now write an interface
for the game which uses the MYSTERY
game : Eff () [MYSTERY (Running (S g) w), STDIO]
The type indicates that the game must start in a running state, with some guesses available, and eventually reach a not-running state (i.e. won or lost). The only way to achieve this is by correctly following the stated rules.
Note that the type of game
makes no assumption that there are
letters to be guessed in the given word (i.e. it is w
rather than
S w
). This is because we will be choosing a word at random from a
vector of String
, and at no point have we made it explicit that
those String
are non-empty.
Finally, we need to initialise the game by picking a word at random from
a list of candidates, setting it as the target using NewWord
, then
running game
runGame : Eff () [MYSTERY NotRunning, RND, SYSTEM, STDIO]
runGame = do srand (cast !time)
let w = index !(rndFin WEWEWE) words
NewWord w
putStrLn !Get
We use the system time (time
from the SYSTEM
effect; see
Appendix Effects Summary) to initialise the random number
generator, then pick a random Fin
to index into a list of
. For example, we could initialise a word list as follows:
words : ?wtype
words = with Vect ["idris","agda","haskell","miranda",
wtype = proof search
Rather than have to explicitly declare a type with the vector’s
length, it is convenient to give a hole ?wtype
and let
Idris’s proof search mechanism find the type. This is a
limited form of type inference, but very useful in practice.
A possible complete implementation of game
presented below:
game : Eff () [MYSTERY (Running (S g) w), STDIO]
game {w=Z} = Won
game {w=S _}
= do putStrLn !Get
putStr "Enter guess: "
let guess = trim !getStr
case choose (not (guess == "")) of
(Left p) => processGuess (strHead' guess p)
(Right p) => do putStrLn "Invalid input!"
processGuess : Char -> Eff () [MYSTERY (Running (S g) (S w)), STDIO]
processGuess {g} {w} c
= case !(Main.Guess c) of
True => do putStrLn "Good guess!"
case w of
Z => Won
(S k) => game
False => do putStrLn "No, sorry"
case g of
Z => Lost
(S k) => game
Writing the rules separately as an effect, then an implementation
which uses that effect, ensures that the implementation must follow
the rules. This has practical applications in more serious contexts;
for example can be though of as describing a
protocol that a game player most follow, or alternative a
precisely-typed API.
In practice, we wouldn’t really expect to write rules first then
implement the game once the rules were complete. Indeed, I didn’t do
so when constructing this example! Rather, I wrote down a set of
likely rules making any assumptions explicit in the state
transitions for MysteryRules
. Then, when implementing game
first, any incorrect assumption was caught as a type error. The
following errors were caught during development:
- Not realising that allowing
to be an arbitrary string would mean thatgame
would have to deal with a zero-length word as a starting state. - Forgetting to check whether a game was won before recursively calling
, thus accidentally continuing a finished game. - Accidentally checking the number of missing letters, rather than the number of remaining guesses, when checking if a game was lost.
These are, of course, simple errors, but were caught by the type checker before any testing of the game.
[1] | Readers may recognise this game by the name “Hangman”. |