Modules and Namespaces

An Idris program consists of a collection of modules. Each module includes an optional module declaration giving the name of the module, a list of import statements giving the other modules which are to be imported, and a collection of declarations and definitions of types, classes and functions. For example, the listing below gives a module which defines a binary tree type BTree (in a file Btree.idr):

module Btree

data BTree a = Leaf
             | Node (BTree a) a (BTree a)

insert : Ord a => a -> BTree a -> BTree a
insert x Leaf = Node Leaf x Leaf
insert x (Node l v r) = if (x < v) then (Node (insert x l) v r)
                                   else (Node l v (insert x r))

toList : BTree a -> List a
toList Leaf = []
toList (Node l v r) = Btree.toList l ++ (v :: Btree.toList r)

toTree : Ord a => List a -> BTree a
toTree [] = Leaf
toTree (x :: xs) = insert x (toTree xs)

Then, this gives a main program (in a file bmain.idr) which uses the Btree module to sort a list:

module Main

import Btree

main : IO ()
main = do let t = toTree [1,8,2,7,9,3]
          print (Btree.toList t)

The same names can be defined in multiple modules. This is possible because in practice names are qualified with the name of the module. The names defined in the Btree module are, in full:

  • Btree.BTree
  • Btree.Leaf
  • Btree.Node
  • Btree.insert
  • Btree.toList
  • Btree.toTree

If names are otherwise unambiguous, there is no need to give the fully qualified name. Names can be disambiguated either by giving an explicit qualification, or according to their type.

There is no formal link between the module name and its filename, although it is generally advisable to use the same name for each. An import statement refers to a filename, using dots to separate directories. For example, import would import the file foo/bar.idr, which would conventionally have the module declaration module The only requirement for module names is that the main module, with the main function, must be called Main—although its filename need not be Main.idr.

Export Modifiers

By default, all names defined in a module are exported for use by other modules. However, it is good practice only to export a minimal interface and keep internal details abstract. Idris allows functions, types, and classes to be marked as: public, abstract or private:

  • public means that both the name and definition are exported. For functions, this means that the implementation is exported (which means, for example, it can be used in a dependent type). For data types, this means that the type name and the constructors are exported. For classes, this means that the class name and method names are exported.
  • abstract means that only the name is exported. For functions, this means that the implementation is not exported. For data types, this means that the type name is exported but not the constructors. For classes, this means that the class name is exported but not the method names.
  • private means that neither the name nor the definition is exported.


If any definition is given an export modifier, then all names with no modifier are assumed to be private.

For our Btree module, it makes sense for the tree data type and the functions to be exported as abstract, as we see below:

module Btree

abstract data BTree a = Leaf
                      | Node (BTree a) a (BTree a)

insert : Ord a => a -> BTree a -> BTree a
insert x Leaf = Node Leaf x Leaf
insert x (Node l v r) = if (x < v) then (Node (insert x l) v r)
                                   else (Node l v (insert x r))

toList : BTree a -> List a
toList Leaf = []
toList (Node l v r) = Btree.toList l ++ (v :: Btree.toList r)

toTree : Ord a => List a -> BTree a
toTree [] = Leaf
toTree (x :: xs) = insert x (toTree xs)

Finally, the default export mode can be changed with the %access directive, for example:

module Btree

%access abstract

data BTree a = Leaf
                      | Node (BTree a) a (BTree a)

insert : Ord a => a -> BTree a -> BTree a
insert x Leaf = Node Leaf x Leaf
insert x (Node l v r) = if (x < v) then (Node (insert x l) v r)
                                   else (Node l v (insert x r))

toList : BTree a -> List a
toList Leaf = []
toList (Node l v r) = Btree.toList l ++ (v :: Btree.toList r)

toTree : Ord a => List a -> BTree a
toTree [] = Leaf
toTree (x :: xs) = insert x (toTree xs)

In this case, any function with no access modifier will be exported as abstract, rather than left private.

Additionally, a module can re-export a module it has imported, by using the public modifier on an import. For example:

module A

import B
import public C

public a : AType a = ...

The module A will export the name a, as well as any public or abstract names in module C, but will not re-export anything from module B.

Explicit Namespaces

Defining a module also defines a namespace implicitly. However, namespaces can also be given explicitly. This is most useful if you wish to overload names within the same module:

module Foo

namespace x
  test : Int -> Int
  test x = x * 2

namespace y
  test : String -> String
  test x = x ++ x

This (admittedly contrived) module defines two functions with fully qualified names foo.x.test and foo.y.test, which can be disambiguated by their types:

*foo> test 3
6 : Int
*foo> test "foo"
"foofoo" : String

Parameterised blocks

Groups of functions can be parameterised over a number of arguments using a parameters declaration, for example:

parameters (x : Nat, y : Nat)
  addAll : Nat -> Nat
  addAll z = x + y + z

The effect of a parameters block is to add the declared parameters to every function, type and data constructor within the block. Specifically, adding the parameters to the front of the argument list. Outside the block, the parameters must be given explicitly. The addAll function, when called from the REPL, will thus have the following type signature.

*params> :t addAll
addAll : Nat -> Nat -> Nat -> Nat

and the following definition.

addAll : (x : Nat) -> (y : Nat) -> (z : Nat) -> Nat
addAll x y z = x + y + z

Parameters blocks can be nested, and can also include data declarations, in which case the parameters are added explicitly to all type and data constructors. They may also be dependent types with implicit arguments:

parameters (y : Nat, xs : Vect x a)
  data Vects : Type -> Type where
    MkVects : Vect y a -> Vects a

  append : Vects a -> Vect (x + y) a
  append (MkVects ys) = xs ++ ys

To use Vects or append outside the block, we must also give the xs and y arguments. Here, we can use placeholders for the values which can be inferred by the type checker:

*params> show (append _ _ (MkVects _ [1,2,3] [4,5,6]))
"[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]" : String