State Machines in Types

In the introduction, we saw the following state transition diagram representing the (abstract) states of a data store, and the actions we can perform on the store:


We say that these are the abstract states of the store, because the concrete state will contain a lot more information: for example, it might contain user names, hashed passwords, the store contents, and so on. However, as far as we are concerned for the actions login, logout and readSecret, it’s whether we are logged in or not which affects which are valid.

We’ve seen how to manipulate states using ST, and some small examples of dependent types in states. In this section, we’ll see how to use ST to provide a safe API for the data store. In the API, we’ll encode the above diagram in the types, in such a way that we can only execute the operations login, logout and readSecret when the state is valid.

So far, we’ve used State and the primitive operations, new, read, write and delete to manipulate states. For the data store API, however, we’ll begin by defining an interface (see Interfaces in the Idris tutorial) which describes the operations on the store, and explains in their types exactly when each operation is valid, and how it affects the store’s state. By using an interface, we can be sure that this is the only way to access the store.

Defining an interface for the data store

We’ll begin by defining a data type, in a file Login.idr, which represents the two abstract states of the store, either LoggedOut or LoggedIn:

data Access = LoggedOut | LoggedIn

We can define a data type for representing the current state of a store, holding all of the necessary information (this might be user names, hashed passwords, store contents and so on) and parameterise it by the logged in status of the store:

Store : Access -> Type

Rather than defining a concrete type now, however, we’ll include this in a data store interface and define a concrete type later:

interface DataStore (m : Type -> Type) where
  Store : Access -> Type

We can continue to populate this interface with operations on the store. Among other advantages, by separating the interface from its implementation we can provide different concrete implementations for different contexts. Furthermore, we can write programs which work with a store without needing to know any details of how the store is implemented.

We’ll need to be able to connect to a store, and disconnect when we’re done. Add the following methods to the DataStore interface:

connect : ST m Var [add (Store LoggedOut)]
disconnect : (store : Var) -> ST m () [remove store (Store LoggedOut)]

The type of connect says that it returns a new resource which has the initial type Store LoggedOut. Conversely, disconnect, given a resource in the state Store LoggedOut, removes that resource. We can see more clearly what connect does by trying the following (incomplete) definition:

doConnect : DataStore m => ST m () []
doConnect = do st <- connect

Note that we’re working in a generic context m, constrained so that there must be an implementation of DataStore for m to be able to execute doConnect. If we check the type of ?whatNow, we’ll see that the remaining operations begin with a resource st in the state Store LoggedOut, and we need to finish with no resources.

  m : Type -> Type
  constraint : DataStore m
  st : Var
whatNow : STrans m () [st ::: Store LoggedOut] (\result => [])

Then, we can remove the resource using disconnect:

doConnect : DataStore m => ST m () []
doConnect = do st <- connect
               disconnect st

Now checking the type of ?whatNow shows that we have no resources available:

  m : Type -> Type
  constraint : DataStore m
  st : Var
whatNow : STrans m () [] (\result => [])

To continue our implementation of the DataStore interface, next we’ll add a method for reading the secret data. This requires that the store is in the state Store LoggedIn:

readSecret : (store : Var) -> ST m String [store ::: Store LoggedIn]

At this point we can try writing a function which connects to a store, reads the secret, then disconnects. However, it will be unsuccessful, because readSecret requires us to be logged in:

badGet : DataStore m => ST m () []
badGet = do st <- connect
            secret <- readSecret st
            disconnect st

This results in the following error, because connect creates a new store in the LoggedOut state, and readSecret requires the store to be in the LoggedIn state:

When checking an application of function Control.ST.>>=:
    Error in state transition:
            Operation has preconditions: [st ::: Store LoggedOut]
            States here are: [st ::: Store LoggedIn]
            Operation has postconditions: \result => []
            Required result states here are: \result => []

The error message explains how the required input states (the preconditions) and the required output states (the postconditions) differ from the states in the operation. In order to use readSecret, we’ll need a way to get from a Store LoggedOut to a Store LoggedIn. As a first attempt, we can try the following type for login:

login : (store : Var) -> ST m () [store ::: Store LoggedOut :-> Store LoggedIn] -- Incorrect type!

Note that in the interface we say nothing about how login works; merely how it affects the overall state. Even so, there is a problem with the type of login, because it makes the assumption that it will always succeed. If it fails - for example because the implementation prompts for a password and the user enters the password incorrectly - then it must not result in a LoggedIn store.

Instead, therefore, login will return whether logging in was successful, via the following type;

data LoginResult = OK | BadPassword

Then, we can calculate the result state (see Manipulating State with dependent types) from the result. Add the following method to the DataStore interface:

login : (store : Var) ->
        ST m LoginResult [store ::: Store LoggedOut :->
                           (\res => Store (case res of
                                                OK => LoggedIn
                                                BadPassword => LoggedOut))]

If login was successful, then the state after login is Store LoggedIn. Otherwise, the state is Store LoggedOut.

To complete the interface, we’ll add a method for logging out of the store. We’ll assume that logging out is always successful, and moves the store from the Store LoggedIn state to the Store LoggedOut state.

logout : (store : Var) -> ST m () [store ::: Store LoggedIn :-> Store LoggedOut]

This completes the interface, repeated in full for reference below:

interface DataStore (m : Type -> Type) where
  Store : Access -> Type

  connect : ST m Var [add (Store LoggedOut)]
  disconnect : (store : Var) -> ST m () [remove store (Store LoggedOut)]

  readSecret : (store : Var) -> ST m String [store ::: Store LoggedIn]
  login : (store : Var) ->
          ST m LoginResult [store ::: Store LoggedOut :->
                             (\res => Store (case res of
                                                  OK => LoggedIn
                                                  BadPassword => LoggedOut))]
  logout : (store : Var) -> ST m () [store ::: Store LoggedIn :-> Store LoggedOut]

Before we try creating any implementations of this interface, let’s see how we can write a function with it, to log into a data store, read the secret if login is successful, then log out again.

Writing a function with the data store

As an example of working with the DataStore interface, we’ll write a function getData, which connects to a store in order to read some data from it. We’ll write this function interactively, step by step, using the types of the operations to guide its development. It has the following type:

getData : (ConsoleIO m, DataStore m) => ST m () []

This type means that there are no resources available on entry or exit. That is, the overall list of actions is [], meaning that at least externally, the function has no overall effect on the resources. In other words, for every resource we create during getData, we’ll also need to delete it before exit.

Since we want to use methods of the DataStore interface, we’ll constraint the computation context m so that there must be an implementation of DataStore. We also have a constraint ConsoleIO m so that we can display any data we read from the store, or any error messages.

We start by connecting to the store, creating a new resource st, then trying to login:

getData : (ConsoleIO m, DataStore m) => ST m () []
getData = do st <- connect
             ok <- login st

Logging in will either succeed or fail, as reflected by the value of ok. If we check the type of ?whatNow, we’ll see what state the store currently has:

  m : Type -> Type
  constraint : ConsoleIO m
  constraint1 : DataStore m
  st : Var
  ok : LoginResult
whatNow : STrans m () [st ::: Store (case ok of
                                          OK => LoggedIn
                                          BadPassword => LoggedOut)]
                      (\result => [])

The current state of st therefore depends on the value of ok, meaning that we can make progress by case splitting on ok:

getData : (ConsoleIO m, DataStore m) => ST m () []
getData = do st <- connect
             ok <- login st
             case ok of
                  OK => ?whatNow_1
                  BadPassword => ?whatNow_2

The types of the holes in each branch, ?whatNow_1 and ?whatNow_2, show how the state changes depending on whether logging in was successful. If it succeeded, the store is LoggedIn:

whatNow_1 : STrans m () [st ::: Store LoggedIn] (\result => [])

On the other hand, if it failed, the store is LoggedOut:

whatNow_2 : STrans m () [st ::: Store LoggedOut] (\result => [])

In ?whatNow_1, since we’ve successfully logged in, we can now read the secret and display it to the console:

getData : (ConsoleIO m, DataStore m) => ST m () []
getData = do st <- connect
             ok <- login st
             case ok of
                  OK => do secret <- readSecret st
                           putStrLn ("Secret is: " ++ show secret)
                  BadPassword => ?whatNow_2

We need to finish the OK branch with no resources available. We can do this by logging out of the store then disconnecting:

getData : (ConsoleIO m, DataStore m) => ST m () []
getData = do st <- connect
             ok <- login st
             case ok of
                  OK => do secret <- readSecret st
                           putStrLn ("Secret is: " ++ show secret)
                           logout st
                           disconnect st
                  BadPassword => ?whatNow_2

Note that we must logout of st before calling disconnect, because disconnect requires that the store is in the LoggedOut state.

Furthermore, we can’t simply use delete to remove the resource, as we did with the State examples in the previous section, because delete only works when the resource has type State ty, for some type ty. If we try to use delete instead of disconnect, we’ll see an error message like the following:

When checking argument prf to function Control.ST.delete:
        Can't find a value of type
                InState st (State st) [st ::: Store LoggedOut]

In other words, the type checker can’t find a proof that the resource st has a type of the form State st, because its type is Store LoggedOut. Since Store is part of the DataStore interface, we can’t yet know the concrete representation of the Store, so we need to remove the resource via the interface, with disconnect, rather than directly with delete.

We can complete getData as follows, using a pattern matching bind alternative (see the Idris tutorial, Monads and do-notation) rather than a case statement to catch the possibilty of an error with login:

getData : (ConsoleIO m, DataStore m) => ST m () []
getData = do st <- connect
             OK <- login st
                | BadPassword => do putStrLn "Failure"
                                    disconnect st
             secret <- readSecret st
             putStrLn ("Secret is: " ++ show secret)
             logout st
             disconnect st

We can’t yet try this out, however, because we don’t have any implementations of getData! If we try to execute it in an IO context, for example, we’ll get an error saying that there’s no implementation of DataStore IO:

*Login> :exec run {m = IO} getData
When checking an application of function
        Can't find implementation for DataStore IO

The final step in implementing a data store which correctly follows the state transition diagram, therefore, is to provide an implementation of DataStore.

Implementing the interface

To execute getData in IO, we’ll need to provided an implementation of DataStore which works in the IO context. We can begin as follows:

implementation DataStore IO where

Then, we can ask Idris to populate the interface with skeleton definitions for the necessary methods (press Ctrl-Alt-A in Atom for “add definition” or the corresponding shortcut for this in the Idris mode in your favourite editor):

implementation DataStore IO where
  Store x = ?DataStore_rhs_1
  connect = ?DataStore_rhs_2
  disconnect store = ?DataStore_rhs_3
  readSecret store = ?DataStore_rhs_4
  login store = ?DataStore_rhs_5
  logout store = ?DataStore_rhs_6

The first decision we’ll need to make is how to represent the data store. We’ll keep this simple, and store the data as a single String, using a hard coded password to gain access. So, we can define Store as follows, using a String to represent the data no matter whether we are LoggedOut or LoggedIn:

Store x = State String

Now that we’ve given a concrete type for Store, we can implement operations for connecting, disconnecting, and accessing the data. And, since we used State, we can use new, delete, read and write to manipulate the store.

Looking at the types of the holes tells us how we need to manipulate the state. For example, the ?DataStore_rhs_2 hole tells us what we need to do to implement connect. We need to return a new Var which represents a resource of type State String:

DataStore_rhs_2 : STrans IO Var [] (\result => [result ::: State String])

We can implement this by creating a new variable with some data for the content of the store (we can use any String for this) and returning that variable:

connect = do store <- new "Secret Data"
             pure store

For disconnect, we only need to delete the resource:

disconnect store = delete store

For readSecret, we need to read the secret data and return the String. Since we now know the concrete representation of the data is a State String, we can use read to access the data directly:

readSecret store = read store

We’ll do logout next and return to login. Checking the hole reveals the following:

  store : Var
DataStore_rhs_6 : STrans IO () [store ::: State String] (\result => [store ::: State String])

So, in this minimal implementation, we don’t actually have to do anything!

logout store = pure ()

For login, we need to return whether logging in was successful. We’ll do this by prompting for a password, and returning OK if it matches a hard coded password, or BadPassword otherwise:

login store = do putStr "Enter password: "
                 p <- getStr
                 if p == "Mornington Crescent"
                    then pure OK
                    else pure BadPassword

For reference, here is the complete implementation which allows us to execute a DataStore program at the REPL:

implementation DataStore IO where
  Store x = State String
  connect = do store <- new "Secret Data"
               pure store
  disconnect store = delete store
  readSecret store = read store
  login store = do putStr "Enter password: "
                   p <- getStr
                   if p == "Mornington Crescent"
                      then pure OK
                      else pure BadPassword
  logout store = pure ()

Finally, we can try this at the REPL as follows (Idris defaults to the IO context at the REPL if there is an implementation available, so no need to give the m argument explicitly here):

*Login> :exec run getData
Enter password: Mornington Crescent
Secret is: "Secret Data"

*Login> :exec run getData
Enter password: Dollis Hill

We can only use read, write, new and delete on a resource with a State type. So, within the implementation of DataStore, or anywhere where we know the context is IO, we can access the data store however we like: this is where the internal details of DataStore are implemented. However, if we merely have a constraint DataStore m, we can’t know how the store is implemented, so we can only access via the API given by the DataStore interface.

It is therefore good practice to use a generic context m for functions like getData, and constrain by only the interfaces we need, rather than using a concrete context IO.

We’ve now seen how to manipulate states, and how to encapsulate state transitions for a specific system like the data store inn an interface. However, realistic systems will need to compose state machines. We’ll either need to use more than one state machine at a time, or implement one state machine in terms of one or more others. We’ll see how to achieve this in the next section.