Static Arguments and Partial Evaluation

As of version 0.9.15, Idris has support for partial evaluation of statically known arguments. This involves creating specialised versions of functions with arguments annotated as %static.

(This is an implementation of the partial evaluator described in this ICFP 2010 paper. Please refer to this for more precise definitions of what follows.)

Partial evaluation is switched off by default since Idris 1.0. It can be enabled with the --partial-eval flag.

Introductory Example

Consider the power function over natural numbers, defined as follows (we’ll call it my_pow since pow already exists in the Prelude):

my_pow : Nat -> Nat -> Nat
my_pow x Z = 1
my_pow x (S k) = mult x (my_pow x k)

This is implemented by recursion on the second argument, and we can evaluate the definition further if the second argument is known, even if the first isn’t. For example, we can build a function at the REPL to cube a number as follows:

*pow> \x => my_pow x 3
\x => mult x (mult x (mult x 1)) : Nat -> Nat
*pow> it 3
27 : Nat

Note that in the resulting function the recursion has been eliminated, since my_pow is implemented by recursion on the known argument. We have no such luck if the first argument is known and the second isn’t:

*pow> \x => my_pow 2 x
\x => my_pow 2 x : Nat -> Nat

Now, consider the following definition which calculates x^2 + 1:

powFn : Nat -> Nat
powFn x = plus (my_pow x (S (S Z))) (S Z)

Since the second argument to my_pow here is statically known, it seems a shame to have to make the recursive calls every time. However, Idris will not in general inline recursive definitions, in particular since they may diverge or duplicate work without some deeper analysis.

We can, however, give Idris some hints that here we really would like to create a specialised version of my_pow.

Automatic specialisation of pow

The trick is to mark the statically known arguments with the %static flag:

my_pow : Nat -> %static Nat -> Nat
my_pow k Z = 1
my_pow k (S j) = mult k (my_pow k j)

When an argument is annotated in this way, Idris will try to create a specialised version whenever it accounts a call with a concrete value (i.e. a constant, constructor form, or globally defined function) in a %static position. If my_pow is defined this way, and powFn defined as above, we can see the effect by typing :printdef powFn at the REPL:

*pow> :printdef powFn
powFn : Nat -> Nat
powFn x = plus (PE_my_pow_3f3e5ad8 x) 1

What is this mysterious PE_my_pow_3f3e5ad8? It’s a specialised power function where the statically known argument has been specialised away. The name is generated from a hash of the specialised arguments, and we can see its definition with :printdef too:

*petest> :printdef PE_my_pow_3f3e5ad8
PE_my_pow_3f3e5ad8 : Nat -> Nat
PE_my_pow_3f3e5ad8 (0arg) = mult (0arg) (mult (0arg) (PE_fromInteger_7ba9767f 1))

The (0arg) is an internal argument name (programmers can’t give variable names beginning with a digit after all). Notice also that there is a specialised version of fromInteger for Nats, since type class dictionaries are themselves a particularly common case of statically known arguments!

Specialising Type Classes

Type class dictionaries are very often statically known, so Idris automatically marks any type class constraint as %static and builds specialised versions of top level functions where the class is instantiated. For example, given:

calc : Int -> Int
calc x = (x * x) + x

If we print this definition, we’ll see a specialised version of + is used:

*petest> :printdef calc
calc : Int -> Int
calc x = PE_+_954510b4 (PE_*_954510b4 x x) x

More interestingly, consider vadd which adds corresponding elements in a vector of anything numeric:

vadd : Num a => Vect n a -> Vect n a -> Vect n a
vadd [] [] = []
vadd (x :: xs) (y :: ys) = x + y :: vadd xs ys

If we use this on something concrete as follows...

test : List Int -> List Int
test xs = let xs' = fromList xs in
              toList $ vadd xs' xs'

...then in fact, we get a specialised version of vadd in the definition of test, and indeed the specialised version of toList:

test : List Int -> List Int
test xs = let xs' = fromList xs
          in PE_toList_888ae67 (PE_vadd_33f98d3d xs' xs')

Here’s the specialised version of vadd:

PE_vadd_33f98d3d : Vect n Int -> Vect n Int -> Vect n Int
PE_vadd_33f98d3d [] [] = []
PE_vadd_33f98d3d (x :: xs) (y :: ys) = ((PE_+_954510b4 x y) ::
                                       (PE_vadd_33f98d3d xs ys))

Note that the recursive structure has been preserved, and the recursive call to vadd has been replaced with a recursive call to the specialised version. We’ve also got the same specialised version of + that we had above in calc.

Specialising Higher Order Functions

Another case where partial evaluation can be useful is in automatically making specialised versions of higher order functions. Unlike type class dictionaries, this is not done automatically, but we might consider writing map as follows:

my_map : %static (a -> b) -> List a -> List b
my_map f [] = []
my_map f (x :: xs) = f x :: my_map f xs

Then using my_map will yield specialised versions, for example to double every value in a list of Ints we could write:

doubleAll : List Int -> List Int
doubleAll xs = my_map (*2) xs

This would yield a specialised version of my_map, used in doubleAll as follows:

doubleAll : List Int -> List Int
doubleAll xs = PE_my_map_1f8225c4 xs

PE_my_map_1f8225c4 : List Int -> List Int
PE_my_map_1f8225c4 [] = []
PE_my_map_1f8225c4 (x :: xs) = ((PE_*_954510b4 x 2) :: (PE_my_map_1f8225c4 xs))

Specialising Interpreters

A particularly useful situation where partial evaluation becomes effective is in defining an interpreter for a well-typed expression language, defined as follows (see the Idris tutorial, section 4 for more details on how this works):

data Expr : Vect n Ty -> Ty -> Type where
     Var : HasType i gamma t -> Expr gamma t
     Val : (x : Int) -> Expr gamma TyInt
     Lam : Expr (a :: gamma) t -> Expr gamma (TyFun a t)
     App : Lazy (Expr gamma (TyFun a t)) -> Expr gamma a -> Expr gamma t
     Op  : (interpTy a -> interpTy b -> interpTy c) -> Expr gamma a -> Expr gamma
           Expr gamma c
     If  : Expr gamma TyBool -> Expr gamma a -> Expr gamma a -> Expr gamma a

dsl expr
    lambda = Lam
    variable = Var
    index_first = stop
    index_next = pop

We can write a couple of test functions in this language as follows, using the dsl notation to overload lambdas; first a function which multiplies two inputs:

eMult : Expr gamma (TyFun TyInt (TyFun TyInt TyInt))
eMult = expr (\x, y => Op (*) x y)

Then, a function which calculates the factorial of its input:

eFac : Expr gamma (TyFun TyInt TyInt)
eFac = expr (\x => If (Op (==) x (Val 0))
            (Val 1)
            (App (App eMult (App eFac (Op (-) x (Val 1)))) x))

The interpreter’s type is written as follows, marking the expression to be evaluated as %static:

interp : (env : Env gamma) -> %static (e : Expr gamma t) -> interpTy t

This means that if we write an Idris program to calculate a factorial by calling interp on eFac, the resulting definition will be specialised, partially evaluating away the interpreter:

runFac : Int -> Int
runFac x = interp [] eFac x

We can see that the call to interp has been partially evaluated away as follows:

*interp> :printdef runFac
runFac : Int -> Int
runFac x = PE_interp_ed1429e [] x

If we look at PE_interp_ed1429e we’ll see that it follows exactly the structur of eFac, with the interpreter evaluated away:

*interp> :printdef PE_interp_ed1429e
PE_interp_ed1429e : Env gamma -> Int -> Int
PE_interp_ed1429e (3arg) = \x =>
                             boolElim (x == 0)
                                      (Delay 1)
                                      (Delay (PE_interp_b5c2d0ff (x :: (3arg))
                                                                 (PE_interp_ed1429e (x :: (3arg)) (x - 1)) x))

For the sake of readability, I have simplified this slightly: what you will really see also includes specialised versions of ==, - and fromInteger. Note that PE_interp_ed1429e, which represents eFac has become a recursive function following the structure of eFac. There is also a call to PE_interp_b5c2d0ff which is a specialised interpeter for eMult.

These definitions arise because the partial evaluator will only specialise a definition by a specific concrete argument once, then it is cached for future use. So any future applications of interp on eFac will also be translated to PE_interp_ed1429e.

The specialised version of eMult, without any simplification for readability, is:

PE_interp_b5c2d0ff : Env gamma -> Int -> Int -> Int
PE_interp_b5c2d0ff (3arg) = \x => \x1 => PE_*_954510b4 x x1