Things we have yet to classify, or are two small to justify their own page.
The Unifier Log¶
If you’re having a hard time debugging why the unifier won’t accept
something (often while debugging the compiler itself), try applying the
special operator %unifyLog
to the expression in question. This will
cause the type checker to spit out all sorts of informative messages.
Namespaces and type-directed disambiguation¶
Names can be defined in separate namespaces, and disambiguated by type.
An expression with NAME EXPR
will privilege the namespace NAME
in the expression EXPR
. For example:
Idris> with List [[1,2],[3,4],[5,6]]
[[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6]] : List (List Integer)
Idris> with Vect [[1,2],[3,4],[5,6]]
[[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6]] : Vect 3 (Vect 2 Integer)
Idris> [[1,2],[3,4],[5,6]]
Can't disambiguate name: Prelude.List.::, Prelude.Stream.::, Prelude.Vect.::
The syntax (| option1, option2, option3, ... |)
type checks each
of the options in turn until one of them works. This is used, for
example, when translating integer literals.
Idris> the Nat (| "foo", Z, (-3) |)
0 : Nat
This can also be used to give simple automated proofs, for example: trying some constructors of proofs.
syntax Trivial = (| Oh, Refl |)
Totality checking assertions¶
All definitions are checked for coverage (i.e. all well-typed applications are handled) and either for termination (i.e. all well-typed applications will eventually produce an answer) or, if returning codata, for productivity (in practice, all recursive calls are constructor guarded).
Obviously, termination checking is undecidable. In practice, the termination checker looks for size change - every cycle of recursive calls must have a decreasing argument, such as a recursive argument of a strictly positive data type.
There are two built-in functions which can be used to give the totality checker a hint:
assert_total x
asserts that the expressionx
is terminating and covering, even if the totality checker cannot tell. This can be used for example ifx
uses a function which does not cover all inputs, but the caller knows that the specific input is covered.assert_smaller p x
asserts that the expressionx
is structurally smaller than the patternp
For example, the following function is not checked as total:
qsort : Ord a => List a -> List a
qsort [] = []
qsort (x :: xs) = qsort (filter (<= x) xs) ++ (x :: qsort (filter (>= x) xs)))
This is because the checker cannot tell that filter
will always
produce a value smaller than the pattern x :: xs
for the recursive
call to qsort
. We can assert that this will always be true as
qsort : Ord a => List a -> List a
qsort [] = []
qsort (x :: xs) = qsort (assert_smaller (x :: xs) (filter (<= x) xs)) ++
(x :: qsort (assert_smaller (x :: xs) (filter (>= x) xs))))
Preorder reasoning¶
This syntax is defined in the module Syntax.PreorderReasoning
in the
package. It provides a syntax for composing proofs of
reflexive-transitive relations, using overloadable functions called
and qed
. This module also defines step
and qed
functions allowing the syntax to be used for demonstrating equality.
Here is an example:
import Syntax.PreorderReasoning
multThree : (a, b, c : Nat) -> a * b * c = c * a * b
multThree a b c =
(a * b * c) ={ sym (multAssociative a b c) }=
(a * (b * c)) ={ cong (multCommutative b c) }=
(a * (c * b)) ={ multAssociative a c b }=
(a * c * b) ={ cong {f = (* b)} (multCommutative a c) }=
(c * a * b) QED
Note that the parentheses are required – only a simple expression can
be on the left of ={ }=
or QED
. Also, when using preorder
reasoning syntax to prove things about equality, remember that you can
only relate the entire expression, not subexpressions. This might
occasionally require the use of cong
Finally, although equality is the most obvious application of preorder
reasoning, it can be used for any reflexive-transitive relation.
Something like step1 ={ just1 }= step2 ={ just2 }= end QED
translated to (step step1 just1 (step step2 just2 (qed end)))
selecting the appropriate definitions of step
and qed
the normal disambiguation process. The standard library, for example,
also contains an implementation of preorder reasoning on isomorphisms.
Pattern matching on Implicit Arguments¶
Pattern matching is only allowed on implicit arguments when they are referred by name, e.g.
foo : {n : Nat} -> Nat
foo {n = Z} = Z
foo {n = S k} = k
foo : {n : Nat} -> Nat
foo {n = n} = n
The latter could be shortened to the following:
foo : {n : Nat} -> Nat
foo {n} = n
That is, {x}
behaves like {x=x}
Existence of an implementation¶
In order to show that an implementation of some interface is defined for some
type, one could use the %implementation
foo : Num Nat
foo = %implementation
‘match’ application¶
ty <== name
applies the function name
in such a way that it has
the type ty
, by matching ty
against the function’s type. This
can be used in proofs, for example:
plus_comm : (n : Nat) -> (m : Nat) -> (n + m = m + n)
-- Base case
(Z + m = m + Z) <== plus_comm =
rewrite ((m + Z = m) <== plusZeroRightNeutral) ==>
(Z + m = m) in Refl
-- Step case
(S k + m = m + S k) <== plus_comm =
rewrite ((k + m = m + k) <== plus_comm) in
rewrite ((S (m + k) = m + S k) <== plusSuccRightSucc) in
Including %reflection
functions and quoteGoal x by fn in t
which applies fn
to the expected type of the current expression, and
puts the result in x
which is in scope when elaborating t
Bash Completion¶
Use of optparse-applicative
allows Idris to support Bash
completion. You can obtain the completion script for Idris using the
following command:
idris --bash-completion-script `which idris`
To enable completion for the lifetime of your current session, run the following command:
source <(idris --bash-completion-script `which idris`)
To enable completion permanently you must either:
- Modify your bash init script with the above command.
- Add the completion script to the appropriate
folder on your machine.